Berlin action boys is Roman G. and his restless action-sports collective
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Springs in Berlin are awesome. Early autumn is good, summers are hot and winters in Berlin just are. It's a good season to stay home, drink…
You know how tango is a dance, a music genre and maybe panties? We've been to Sagres for a week and it's a lot of things as well! Here's…
Berlin action boys are alive and even in a good mood. I've been busy with my new job, skating and we've been to cable a few times already…
all the good-looking pictures in this post are taken by good-looking @floh_loves_gym. please follow her on instagram! We have attended a…
Boys like cars. My dad is a cars guy, has always been. Not a racing fan, but definitely an enthusiast who gets his hands dirty often. Me - I…
Winter in Berlin is real nasty this year. There were a few dry weekends without annoying wind, when i skated the miniramp (wearing skiing…
See, me and @floh_loves_gym flew to Corralejo thinking about surf, biking the sandy trails, skating local spots and so on. INSTEAD we both…
I've lost my "skate mini every day" streak And I'm glad i did! Some time ago I just figured my body is tired, a bit injured at places, i…
The autumn is definitely here to stay. Less "skating shirtless", more "skating in 3 layers of shirts". First, all the good news Floh got way…
All the cool people shredding the pool in gleisdreieck were not born this awesome, they worked their way there. And so will I (and perhaps…
We're back to Berlin, Yay! I have already rinsed my salty GoPro a bit in the wakepark (to get the salt out, of course), checked out the new…
The 3-month long Ericeira adventure is reaching it's finale July in Ericeira kicks the "highest season" off, some prices are a bit higher…
Everyone loves having a good picture of himself. Deniers and contrarians can piss off, because they secretly want some too. I'm here to…
Berlin action boys own some skimboards now! Has been on my bucketlist for a while! Skimboard 101 A high-end skimboard looks like a finless…
Theoretically, this is a continuation of a series of posts. Check Part 1 too, if you liked this one. Skateboards are a fun toy. You stand on…
Action Boys are out on tour! Expect more oceanic content soon. In the meanwhile, I'd like to share some of my Ericeira experiences with you…
Definition of the word fad states "a style, activity, or interest that is very popular for a short period of time." Now let's play a game…
90s were RAD and EXTREME (spelled "X-treme", of course). Graffiti, miniramps, buncha kids shredding their agressive inlines, skateboards and…
Summer in Berlin gets hot! With or without air conditioning, getting wet in a lake and drinking a beer is a dream one of these days. The…
Berlin action boys have finally sneaked into Wellenwerk, Berlin's first indoor surf pool! First-hand impressions and buncha funny GIFs…
Urgent message to all my fellow action-boys: you can skate! Perhaps not YET, but that's what we gonna fix here today! In the town i grew up…
Techmology, what is that all about? Is it good or is it whack? SPOILER!! - It's.. fine actually. But don't expect too much I've been…
Me and @floh_loves_gym both had covid. Covid makes you weak, man, i just didn't feel like skating much or hitting the gym in the past two…